1. Introduction

This documentation informs you on the integration and use of the Riverty (Direct Debits and Open invoice) payment method.

Integration for new transactions must be done with e-Commerce. Maintenance on existing transactions is supported in the back office and via DirectLink and Batch.

If you perform refunds on iDEAL transactions with Direct Debits NL, you won't be able to use Direct Debits via Riverty (and vice versa).

2. Integration with Página de pago alojada

You need to send some additional parameters with each order. This can only be done via a POST request.

2.1 Standard Worldline fields

The following parameters can or must be submitted for every transaction:

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Field Description Format Mandatory
AMOUNT Total amount of the order (VAT included), multiplied by 100 (to avoid decimal issues), so 1.00 x 100 --> 100 N Y
CURRENCY Alpha ISO code of the currency (EUR, GBP, CHF, etc.) AN, 3 Y

Client Localised Language (nl_NL, nl_BE, fr_FR, etc.)
If not submitted, the default language used is English.

AN, 5 N
OPERATION Defines the type of request, overriding the Default operation code Values: RES / SAL N
ORDERID Your unique order reference AN, 40 Y
PSPID Your unique identifier on our system AN, 30 Y

2.2 Invoicing and delivery data

The following parameters can or must be submitted with each order for Riverty:

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Field Description Format Mandatory
CIVILITY Invoicing title (M/V) AN, 10 Y
ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_NAME_FIRST Invoicing first name AN, 35 Y
ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_NAME_LAST Invoicing last name AN, 35 Y
OWNERADDRESS Invoicing street name AN, 35 Y
ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_STREET_NUMBER Invoicing street number AN, 10 Y
OWNERZIP Invoicing ZIP/postcode AN, 10 Y
OWNERTOWN Invoicing city AN, 25 Y
OWNERCTY Invoicing country code (BE, FR, NL, DE etc.) AN, 2 Y
EMAIL Invoicing email address AN, 50 Y
OWNERTELNO Invoicing telephone number AN, 30
(Riverty accepts max. 10)

Delivery name prefix (Mr, Miss, etc.)

AN, 10 N
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_NAME_FIRST Delivery first name AN, 35 Y
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_NAME_LAST Delivery last name AN, 35 Y
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_STREET_NUMBER Delivery street number AN, 10 Y
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_COUNTRYCODE Delivery country code (BE, FR, NL, DE etc.) AN, 2 Y
ECOM_SHIPTO_ONLINE_EMAIL Delivery email address AN, 50 N
ECOM_SHIPTO_DOB Delivery customer's date of birth dd/mm/yyyy Y
DATEIN Delivery date and time mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss N
ORDERSHIPMETH Delivery method AN, 25 N

Delivery cost, excluding VAT
Amount multiplied by 100

N, 10 N
ORDERSHIPTAX Delivery tax amount
Amount multiplied by 100
ORDERSHIPTAXCODE Delivery tax code (e.g. 19%) N, 10 N
Extra parameters for B2B
REF_CUSTOMERREF Chamber of Commerce number (KVK) AN, 20 Y
ECOM_SHIPTO_COMPANY Delivery company AN, 50 Y
REF_CUSTOMERID Customer number AN, 17 N
COSTCENTER Company department AN, 20 N

2.3 Order data

The following parameters can or must be submitted with each order for Riverty:

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Field Description Format Mandatory
ITEMIDx Item identification (replace "x" with a number to send multiple items: ITEMID1, ITEMID2, etc.) AN, 15 Y
ITEMNAMEx Item name (replace "x" with a number to send multiple items: ITEMNAME1, ITEMNAME2, etc.) AN, 40 Y
ITEMPRICEx Item price (replace "x" with a number to send multiple items: ITEMPRICE1, ITEMPRICE2, etc.) N, 15 Y
ITEMQUANTx Item quantity (replace "x" with a number to send multiple items: ITEMQUANT1, ITEMQUANT2, etc.) N, 15 Y
ITEMCATEGORYx Item category (replace "x" with a number to send multiple items: ITEMCATEGORY1, ITEMCATEGORY2, etc.) AN, 50 N
ITEMVATCODEx Item VAT code (replace "x" with a number to send multiple items: ITEMVATCODE1, ITEMVATCODE2, etc.) percentage Y

If "1" is sent as the value for this parameter, the ITEMPRICEX is considered to include VAT, and our system will not calculate the VAT for the item.

This feature is recommended as it avoids any issues when rounding off the order line totals.

(replace X with a number to send multiple items: TAXINCLUDED1, TAXINCLUDED2, etc.)

N: 1 N

Note: The total amount should be multiplied by 100 in order to avoid any confusion over the decimal separator. However, this technique in NOT implemented at detail level, where the decimal separator should be included and should always be a full stop "." This allows the merchant to submit amounts with more than 2 decimals if he wishes.

Ascending order of line item details for SHA calculation

Please take into account that as from 10 line item details the order of the parameters for the SHA calculation may differ from what is expected on your system's side.

Where for the calculation of the SHA we normally stress that all parameters should be sorted alphabetically, a "logical" ascending order is put in place for the line item details:

- Ascending order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.
- Alphabetical order: 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, etc. (NOT applied)

2.4 Example

The following form simulates an Riverty transaction with all required fields.

Please ensure you replace the PSPID value with your own value, and calculate your SHA signature accordingly.

<form id="form1" method="POST" action="https://ogone.test.v-psp.com/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp">
<!-- standard Worldline fields -->
<input type="text" name="ORDERID" value ="order123"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="AMOUNT" value ="1309"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="LANGUAGE" value="nl_NL"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="PSPID" value="[yourpspid]"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="CURRENCY" value="EUR"/><br/>

<!-- Invoicing Information -->
<input type="text" name="CIVILITY" value ="M"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_NAME_FIRST" value ="John"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_NAME_LAST" value ="Doe"/><br/><br/>
<input type="text" name="OWNERADDRESS" value ="test street"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_STREET_NUMBER" value ="66"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="OWNERZIP" value ="3000 AA"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="OWNERTOWN" value ="Rotterdam"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="OWNERCTY" value ="NL"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="OWNERTELNO" value ="0302333459"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="EMAIL" value ="john@doe.com"/><br/>

<!-- Delivery Information -->
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_DOB" value ="08/10/1940"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_NAME_FIRST" value ="John"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_NAME_LAST" value ="Doe"/><br/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_STREET_LINE1" value ="postal street"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_STREET_NUMBER" value ="66"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_POSTALCODE" value ="3000 AA"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_CITY" value ="Rotterdam"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_COUNTRYCODE" value ="NL"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_ONLINE_EMAIL" value ="john@doe.com"/><br/>

<!-- order details, item 1 -->
<input type="text" name="ITEMID1" value ="1"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMNAME1" value ="first item"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMPRICE1" value ="12.10"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMQUANT1" value ="1"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMVATCODE1" value ="21%"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="TAXINCLUDED1" value ="1"/><br/>

<!-- order details, item 2 -->
<input type="text" name="ITEMID2" value ="2"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMNAME2" value ="Shipping costs"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMPRICE2" value ="1.21"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMQUANT2" value ="1"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMVATCODE2" value ="21%"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="TAXINCLUDED2" value ="1"/><br/>

<!-- B2B parameters (if applicable) -->
<input type="text" name="REF_CUSTOMERREF" value ="12345"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_COMPANY" value ="MyCompany"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ECOM_SHIPTO_TVA" value ="123456789"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="REF_CUSTOMERID" value ="0123456789"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="COSTCENTER" value = "Finance"/><br/>

<!-- don't forget your SHA-IN signature! -->
SHASIGN<input type="text" name="SHASIGN" value="[your SHA-IN signature]"/><br/>

<input type="submit" value="submit"/>

3. Transaction feedback

3.1 Order details

All order details can be viewed in your Worldline account, via the Operations menu, using the "View transactions" link.

At the bottom of the order details, you see the items and VAT (in this example the shopping costs are included as an item):

3.2 Errors

In the event of an error, a specific error code (parameter NCERROR) will be returned. The merchant can optionally use this input to enhance his feedback on how the customer can correct or complete his input.

The following table contains a non-exhaustive list of possible errors:

Error code Description
50001220 Invalid Customer Phone number
50001221 Invalid postal code format
50001222 Name / Last name missing
50001223 Name / Last name format invalid
50001224 Missing Customer Phone number
50001225 Name / Last name format invalid

4. Refunds

In order to perform refund operations, please ensure you have the "Refund" option available on your account. If in doubt, please contact nuestro equipo de ventas.

When you look at a transaction, click on the "Advanced" button at the bottom of the screen, which will reveal the refunding options.

If you click on "Refund", our system will show a detail screen in which you can specify the items to be refunded.

By default, the Quantity column contains the order quantities, which means that if you don't change the values, the whole order will be refunded (once you click "Submit").

In order to partially refund a transaction, adapt the quantities accordingly, or use the "Delete" button for each item in order to prevent certain items from being refunded.

Note that the "VAT incl." column indicates whether or not the respective amounts include VAT.

Click "Submit" to confirm the refund.


If you use the ORDERSHIPCOST field for shipping costs, you will not be able to refund these. Instead you should set the shipping costs as an order item, as in the above example. Then you will have the possibility to refund it as any other item of the order.

5. Maintenance

Maintenance operations (refunds and captures) can be performed via DirectLink.

Note: You must have the Worldline DirectLink option activated in your Worldline account in order to use this feature. Please contact nuestro equipo de ventas for more information about this product.

Please note that a maintenance using line item details (or ITEM parameters) must always be done using the POST method (hidden form), not the GET method (data in the URL).

5.1.1 Data

The following fields can or must be submitted with each maintenance operation request:

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Field Description Format Mandatory

Total amount to be refunded, including VAT.

CURRENCY Transaction currency (EUR, CHF, USD, GBP, etc.) AN, 3 Y

Operation to be performed.

  • RFD = Partial refund
  • RFS = (Last) Partial or Full refund
For a full list of possible operations, please refer to the Parameter Cookbook in your Worldline account.
AN, 3 N
ORDERID Your unique order reference (optional if PAYID is sent) AN, 30 Y
PAYID Our payment reference, which was sent to you after the initial transaction (optional if ORDERID is sent) N Y
PSPID Your unique identifier on our system AN, 30 Y

The user's password

AN, 20 Y
USERID User performing the maintenance. This is needed for security reasons. The user needs to have API privileges (cf. the User Manager documentation for more details) AN, 20 Y

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Field Description Format Mandatory

Item identification (replace X with a number to send multiple items: ITEMID1, ITEMID2, etc.)

AN, 15 Y
ITEMNAMEX Item name (replace X with a number to send multiple items: ITEMNAME1, ITEMNAME2, etc.) AN, 30 Y

Item price (replace X with a number to send multiple items: ITEMPRICE1, ITEMPRICE2, etc.)Multiplied by 100 (unlike the original submission)

ITEMQUANTX Item quantity (replace X with a number to send multiple items: ITEMQUANT1, ITEMQUANT2, etc.) N Y
ITEMVATCODEX Item VAT code (replace X with a number to send multiple items: ITEMVATCODE1, ITEMVATCODE2, etc.) Percentage Y
  • If this field equals 1, then the ITEMPRICEX is considered to include VAT, and our system will not calculate the VAT for the item.
  • If this field is equal to 0 (or left blank, or not sent) our system will calculate the VAT for the item based on the ITEMVATCODEX

This feature is intended to avoid any issues when rounding off the order line totals.(replace X with a number to send multiple items: TAXINCLUDED1, TAXINCLUDED2, etc.)

(replace X with a number to send multiple items: TAXINCLUDED1, TAXINCLUDED2, etc.)
0 or 1 N

5.1.2 Example

<form action="https://ogone.test.v-psp.com/ncol/test/maintenancedirect.asp" method="post">
<input type="text" name="PSPID" value="[your pspid]"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="USERID" value="[username]"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="PSWD" value="[password]"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="PAYID" value="[payid] "/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ORDERID" value="[order id]"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="AMOUNT" value="119"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="OPERATION" value="RFD"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="CURRENCY" value="EUR"/><br/>

<input type="text" name="ITEMID1" value="1"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMNAME1" value="first item"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMPRICE1" value="119"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMQUANT1" value="1"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="ITEMVATCODE1" value="19%"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="TAXINCLUDED1" value="1"/><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>

Note: The SHA Signature is not required for maintenance operations.

A test page for DirectLink is available here: https://ogone.test.v-psp.com/ncol/test/testdm.asp?details=1

OHL;[your pspid];[your password];;[your username];
OHF;[file name];MTR;RFD;1;
MTR;EUR;;;;;;;[PAYID];RFD;;;;[your pspid];;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;119;
DET;1;2;first item;119;1;19%;;;;;;;;

Partial maintenance: Please note that the given example applies in exactly the same way to partial/multiple maintenance operations. This means that also the line item details are mandatory in e.g. partial refund requests.

For more information, go to DirectLink.

5.2 Fichero de Lote

Maintenance operations (refunds, captures) can be done via Fichero de Lote.

Note: You must have the Worldline Fichero de Lote option activated in his Worldline account in order to use this feature. Please contact nuestro equipo de ventas for more information about this product.

5.2.1 Data

The following information should be sent along with each batch file:

Login information: OHL

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Position Field Format
1 Fixed value: 'OHL'. This indicates that the line contains login information /
2 PSPID, the merchant's unique identifier on our platform AN, 30
3 The API user's password AN, 20
4 (leave empty)
5 The API username AN, 20

File information: OHF

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Position Field Format
1 Fixed value: 'OHF'. This indicates that the line contains file information /
2 Name of the submitted file AN, 50
3 Fixed value: 'MTR'. This indicates that a maintenance operation is being performed on an existing transaction /

Operation Code:

  • RFD = Partial refund
  • RFS = (Last) Partial or Full refund
AN, 3
5 Number of Transactions affected by the current file N

Transaction information: MTR

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Position Field Format
1 Fixed value: 'MTR'. This indicates that the line contains transaction information /
2 Currency AN, 3
3-8 (leave empty)
9 PAYID, the unique reference generated and provided by our system in the initial transaction feedback N
10 Operation Code:
  • RFD = Partial refund
  • RFS = (Last) Partial or Full refund
AN, 3
11-13 (leave empty)
14 PSPID, the merchant's unique identifier on our platform
15 (leave empty)
16 Number of detail lines for the current transaction N
17-33 (leave empty)
34 Amount of the Operation, multiplied by 100 N

Line Details: DET

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Position Field Format
1 Fixed value: 'DET'. This indicates that the line contains a detail line /
2 Quantity N
3 Item ID AN, 15
4 Item name AN, 30
5 Item unit price, Multiplied by 100 to avoid rounding off issues N
6 Indicates whether the price is:
1 includes VAT or
0 excludes VAT
AN, 1
7 VAT rate, in the form of a percentage (including the % symbol) This is required, even if the amount includes VAT N%
8-15 (leave empty)

End of File: OTF

Format: AN= Alphanumeric / N=Numeric, maximum allowed amount of characters
Position Field Format
1 Fixed value: 'OTF'. This indicates that it is the last line of the file /

5.2.2 Example

OHL;[your pspid];[your password];;[your username];
OHF;[file name];MTR;RFD;1;
MTR;EUR;;;;;;;[PAYID];RFD;;;;[your pspid];;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;119;
DET;1;2;first item;119;1;19%;;;;;;;;

Partial maintenance: Please note that the given example applies in exactly the same way to partial/multiple maintenance operations. This means that also the line item details are mandatory in e.g. partial refund requests.

For more information, go to Batch.

Preguntas más frecuentes

El tiempo de activación de un método de pago depende de diversos factores. Le pedimos que tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

  • la entidad adquirente o el banco pueden tardar varios días (o incluso semanas) en completar su afiliación. Por supuesto, si ya tiene una afiliación, la activación sólo nos llevará unos pocos días.
  • Algunos métodos de pago requieren cheques adicionales antes de ser activados, por ejemplo, en el caso de 3-D Secure, lo que solicite directamente VISA o MasterCard

Con classic.collect puede activar varios métodos de pago a la vez

Una entidad adquirente es una institución financiera que procesa pagos de determinadas tarjetas de crédito y débito. La entidad adquirente es responsable de la parte financiera del procesamiento de la transacción e Worldline es responsable de la parte técnica. Dicho de otro modo, sin una entidad adquiriente, el dinero no se transferirá a su cuenta bancaria.  

Por cada método de pago en línea que desee agregar, necesitará un contrato de aceptación con una entidad adquirente. Si desea que le aconsejemos acerca de la entidad adquiriente más adecuada para usted y su región, por favor contáctenos. Si sabe con qué entidades adquirentes desea trabajar, selecciónelas en la lista desplegable al añadir un método de pago en su cuenta. 
Como alternativa, puede permitirnos que nos encarguemos por usted. Full Service le permite activar muchos métodos de pago locales, todos a la vez y en varios países distintos con un solo contrato. Si vende en otros países, podría ser la forma ideal de aceptar pagos de toda Europa. Le ahorra tareas de administración que llevan mucho tiempo y, como puede ofrecer más métodos de pago, también podrá aumentar sus ingresos. 
Obtenga más información sobre Ingenico Full Service aquí y poniéndose en contacto con nosotros y solicite información sobre contratos.

A veces ocurre que la entidad adquiriente desactiva un número de afiliación. Le recomendamos que se ponga en contacto con su entidad adquiriente.