1. Introduction

We will deprecate P24 in December 2023 on our legacy platform.

You will still be able to process transactions, but we will not do any maintenance or follow-up on possible incidents.

Therefore, we strongly recommend switching to Direct. Check out our dedicated guide to help you switch and implement P24 via Direct.

P24 is an online banking payment (bank transfer) method that enables your customers in e-commerce to make an online purchase via their online banking service; both via computer and on a mobile (web optimized). P24 covers over 35 banks in Poland, including all major ones and is as such one of the leading payment methods of its kind in the Polish market.

Over 80% of all Polish consumers have a preference for this form of payment. So without a doubt this payment method will help you, as a merchant selling to the Polish market, increase your conversion rates.

P24 is offered by Worldline as a webbanking payment method, meaning with redirection from the hosted payment page (e-Commerce) to the P24 environment. This way P24 is also a payment method with "guaranteed" payments.

2. Activation and configuration

After registering with Przelewy24, they will provide you with a Merchant ID, CRC key and WebService key. In your Worldline account, P24 will be added, configured and activated by Worldline Support, using these credentials.

Please contact your Sales representative should you require more information.

3. Payment flow

A typical payment with P24 via Worldline goes as follows:

  1. The customer selects P24 on the Worldline hosted payment page or pre-selected via your own payment method selection page.
  2. The customer is then redirected to the P24 page and chooses his preferred online bank.P24 bank selection
  3. After clicking his bank’s icon the customer is automatically redirected to the bank, where he has to log on.P24 Bank logon screen
  4. A bank transfer form is automatically filled in. After verifying his details the customer can then accept the transfer.P24 bank transfer form
  5. The customer is asked to enter an activation code from his bank (in the example an SMS code).P24 bank transfer form 2
  6. Then the customer returns to Przelewy24 with the confirmation that the transfer is OK (this can also be the Worldline confirmation page). Hereafter the customer is automatically redirected to merchant’s site.
    P24 confirmation screen

4. Integration

P24 must only be integrated with the Worldline hosted payment page.

Please check our dedicated e-Commerce documentation for more information.

4.1 Payment method selection

If you let your customers choose Przelewy24 directly on our hosted payment page (as opposed to a selection page of your own), no further integration is required; the payment method (once activated) will be visible on the payment page.

In the event you've created a payment method selection page of your own, by which your customers are redirected from your page directly to the hosted payment page with the payment method preselected, you're making use of the PM and BRAND parameters.

To call the Przelewy24 payment page directly, the following PM and BRAND values must be used:

Field Value
PM Przelewy24
BRAND Przelewy24

The same values are returned in the redirection and post-sale feedback.

5. Status flow and recovery

By default, in case of a successful payment, the final transaction status 9-Payment requested will immediately be given.

It is possible however that, for specific reasons, our platform is not able to retrieve the outcome of the payment immediately. In this case a transaction can get any of the following statuses:

Status Reason
0 We received no response from P24
51 We received an error code from P24 (e.g. because the customer closed his browser too soon)
92 Our platform was not able to verify the response from P24

In all of these cases our platform will try to recover the final status several times:

  • In the first 2 days, every 15 minutes (starting 15 minutes after the order).
  • After two days, once per day until 30 days after the original order time.

If the transaction remains uncertain after 30 days, it will automatically be denied and go to status 2-Authorisation denied.

6. Reporting

In your online transaction overviews and transaction report downloads (View transactions / Financial history), P24 transactions will be indicated with "Przelewy24". In case of downloaded reports, this is indicated in the METHOD and BRAND columns.

7. Transaction maintenance

P24 is a "direct" payment method, meaning the payment is handled in one step, never in two steps (=authorisation + data capture).

Refunds, both full and partial, are supported (cf. Refund a payment).

Veelgestelde vragen

Il tempo di attivazione di un metodo di pagamento dipende dai seguenti fattori:
  • L’affiliazione richiede all'acquirente o alla banca una settimana circa. Ovviamente, se l'affiliazione è già attiva, l'attivazione richiede solo qualche giorno.
  • Alcuni metodi di pagamento richiedono controlli aggiuntivi prima di poter essere attivati, ad esempio in caso di 3-D Secure, richiesto direttamente a VISA o MasterCard (e non all'acquirente)

Un acquirente è un'istituzione finanziaria che elabora i pagamenti effettuati con determinate carte di credito e debito. L'acquirente è responsabile della parte finanziaria dell'elaborazione della transazione, mentre Worldline è responsabile di quella tecnica. In altre parole, senza acquirente il denaro non viene trasferito al conto bancario.  

Per ogni metodo di pagamento che si desidera aggiungere, occorre un contratto di accettazione con un acquirente. Per chiedere informazioni sugli acquirenti più adatti per la propria attività e la propria zona, ci contatti per favore. Se si conoscono gli acquirenti con cui si desidera lavorare, basta semplicemente selezionarli dall'elenco a discesa quando si aggiunge un metodo di pagamento all'account. 
Possiamo occuparcene noi? Full Service consente di attivare molti metodi di pagamento locali contemporaneamente e in diversi paesi, con un solo contratto. Se si eseguono transazioni internazionali, può essere il modo ideale per accettare pagamenti da tutta Europa. Consente di evitare lunghe pratiche amministrative e di aumentare anche i ricavi, grazie all'offerta di più metodi di pagamento. 
Scopri di più su Ingenico Full Service qui e contattandoci.

A volte capita che un numero di affiliazione venga disattivato da parte dell'acquirente. Consigliamo di contattare l'acquirente.