Consultazione delle Transazioni
1. Introduction
When doing online business, it is important to keep track of your transactions. We offer various solutions for you to do so. The quickest and easiest way to check is via your Back Office. Have a look at the video to learn how it works:
But there is a lot more to it! In this guide, we show you how to:
- Look up individual or batches of transactions
- Get detailed information about transactions
- Download comprehensive reports
- Look up transactions and perform captures/refunds etc in one go
Have a look how you can get all the information you need easily.
2. Understand view transactions and Financial history
Understand View transactions and Financial history
Our platform allows you to search for your transaction in the Back Office in two distinctive ways:
- By global transaction status (Operations > View transactions)
- Individual maintenance operations (Operations > Financial history).
Depending on what you are looking for, one way is the more suitable. The following table helps you decide:
View transactions | Financial history |
Definition | |
status (the PAYID, a unique ten-digit number). The latest final maintenance operation (i.e. authorisation/ capture/refund) you have performed defines the current global status |
3106631483/1: capture (status 9) 3106631483/2: refund (status 8) |
Useful for | |
Possible actions | |
Perform maintenance operations in the Back Office directly: Capture authorisations, refund payments etc. | Reconciliate your gross amounts with your accounting (Use our Riconciliazione tool match net amounts) |
3. Look up transactions
Log in to the Back Office and go to either Operations > Financial history or Operations > View transactions. Either screen shows a search mask. Clicking on “ADVANCED SELECTION CRITERIA” adds more search criteria. Have a look at the tables what search criteria are available:
Use basic search mask
The basic search mask is immediately visible when accessing Financial history / View transactions. It contains the most basic search criteria:
Search criterium | Explanation |
Order date / Payment date |
Charging method / Card type | The payment method the transactions were processed with. The content of the drop down menu is identical to your active payment methods in Configuration > Payment methods |
Merch ref | Your identifier for the order (The value you sent in parameter ORDERID) |
Pay ID | Our platform’s unique identifier of the transaction. Using this criteria produces a single transaction matching this Pay ID |
Status |
Use advanced selection criteria
You might want to narrow down your search in certain situations. Clicking on “ADVANCED SELECTION CRITERIA” offers you many more criteria to do so:
Search criterium | Explanation |
Order date / Payment date |
Amount | Value you sent in parameter AMOUNT |
Scoring | Numerical fraud score for transaction processed with our Fraud Expert Scoring |
Global Fraud Score | Fraud category (green / orange / red) based on the Global Fraud Score calculated by our Fraud Expert Scoring |
Company name | Value you sent in parameter ECOM_SHIPTO_COMPANY |
Card/Account number |
Unmasked card number / IBAN used This search field accepts only full credit card numbers. Please be aware that storing card / bank account numbers in your system requires a specific PCI DSS standard. |
IP address | IP address the transaction originated from |
Name | Name of the card holder |
Value you sent in parameter EMAIL | |
Encoded by | User who created the transaction |
Alias | Card profile safely stored on our platform |
Once you have selected your search criteria, click on SUBMIT to get the results. You can also download the result or receive daily reports automatically.
4. Use 'View transactions' query
Once you click “SUBMIT”, you get an overview page with all matches of your query. Have a look at the different columns and their meaning:
Column | Description |
Pay ID | Our platform’s unique identifier of the transaction |
REN/SAS/RFS | Depending on the current global status, you can put flags to perform maintenance operations for many transactions in one go. Learn how to do it in our dedicated guide. |
Merch ref | Your identifier for the order (The value you sent in parameter ORDERID) |
Orders | Date you sent the transaction to our platform before it reached any final status |
Status | Current global status of the transaction |
Authorisation | Authorisation code from your acquirer. Applies only for status 5/8/9 transactions |
Payments | Date the transaction reached either status 9 / status 8 |
Total | Value you sent in parameter AMOUNT |
Rating | Fraud rating |
Name | Cardholder name |
Method | Payment method used |
The image shows a typical result of a “View transaction” query
The last line of column “Total” sums up the value of parameter AMOUNT of all transactions in all currencies from this list, regardless of the transaction status. Hence, the total sum also includes unsuccessful transactions (status 0 / 1 / 2 etc.), authorisations (status 5) and refunds/cancellations (status 6/ 7 / 8 / 85 etc.).
Clicking on a Pay ID provides you an extensive overview on the transaction. It includes all maintenance operations and detailed data provided in your request and by your acquirer in the response. Read the dedicated chapter to learn more.
5. Use 'Financial history' query
Once you click “SUBMIT”, you get an overview page with all matches of your query. Maintenance operations (authorisations/captures/refunds etc.) sharing the same
- Payment method
- Date (the date the transaction reached its current status as mentioned in the line)
- Status
- Currency
are put in individual lines. Have a look at the different columns and their meaning and some of the lines in this example to learn how to read them:
Column | Description |
Method | Payment method used |
Date | Date the transaction reached its current status as mentioned in the line |
Status | Current status of the maintenance operation |
Tr. no. | Amount of transactions sharing the same payment method/date/status/currency |
BR |
Batch Reference of the file our platform added the maintenance operation to. All maintenance operations from one batch are processed in one go. Depending on the status, your acquirer has not finished processing the file (any x1 status, i.e. 91) yet. |
Details | Clicking on the button provides you with the full list of all maintenance operations (PAYIDSUB) belonging to this line |
Download | Clicking on the button provides you with a file containing the all maintenance operations (PAYIDSUB) belonging to this line |
Line | Description |
1 | All authorisations (three in total) performed for Visa transactions on 05.03.2021 in EUR |
2 | All captures (one in total) performed for Visa transactions on 08.03.2021 in EUR |
3 | All refunds (one in total) performed for Visa transactions on 10.03.2021 in CHF |
The image shows a typical result of a “Financial history” query with some examples pointed out.
Once you look up PAYIDSUBs via “Details”, you receive an extensive overview on the maintenance operation. It includes detailed data provided in your request and/or by the acquirer in the response. Read the next chapter to learn more.
Understand detailed transaction information
If you access a transaction via “View Transactions” via the button in column “Pay Id”, you get a detailed overview on the transaction. It includes detailed data provided in your request and/or by the acquirer in the response.
General transaction overview
The image shows a typical transaction overview screen from the Back Office.
Have a look at the available data and what it means:
Item | Description |
Pay ID | Our platform’s unique identifier of the transaction |
Status | The global status of a transaction |
Total charge | Value you sent in parameter AMOUNT |
Payment methods | The payment method the transaction was processed with. |
Device | Value you sent in parameter DEVICE |
Structured communication | Value you sent in parameter ORDERID provided you followed the formatting rules of the OGM-VCS standard for structured communication |
Payment file | File name the transaction is included. Only available for transactions you uploaded via Worldline Batch (Base) / Worldline Batch (advanced) |
NC ID | Our platform’s unique identifier of the initial maintenance operation for this transaction |
Value you sent in parameter EMAIL | |
Company name | Value you sent in parameter ECOM_SHIPTO_COMPANY |
encoded by | User who created the transaction |
Merch ref | Value you sent in parameter ORDERID |
Order date | Date you sent the transaction to our platform before it reached any final status |
Description | Value you sent in parameter COM |
Card/Account number | Masked card number / IBAN used |
Cardholder's name | Name of the card holder |
Authorisation date | Date the transaction reached status 5 |
Payment date | Date the transaction reached status 8 / 9 |
NC ST/ER | Error code. Set to 0/0 for any successful transaction status |
Invoicing customer | Value you sent in parameter ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_NAME_FIRST/ECOM_BILLTO_POSTAL_NAME_LAST. |
Shopping cart extension ID | If you use a shopping cart, this field may contain an identifier of the shopping cart used. |
Purge date | Date when our platform deletes the transaction according to GDPR regulations |
3-D Secure authentication result | Result of your customers’ 3-D Secure authentication attempt |
Card verification code | Indicates with OK/NOK whether the acquirer could verify the CVC |
Card country | Country the card was issued in based on the BIN (first six digits of the card) |
IP address country | IP country of the device used for the purchase |
Received IP address | Full IP address of the device used for the purchase |
You can find all maintenance operations performed on this transaction on the lower part of the screen. For each maintenance operations, the overview bundles the most important information from the general overview in a table:
The image shows a typical overview of all maintenance operations performed on a transaction.
Description | |
Pay ID | Our platform’s unique identifier (PAYIDSUB) for this maintenance operation |
Merch ref | Value you sent in parameter ORDERID |
Status | Status of the maintenance operation |
Authorisation | Authorisation code from your acquirer. Applies only for status 5/8/9 transactions |
Payment date | Date the maintenance operation reached its status |
Total | (Partial) amount processed for this operation |
File / line | File name and line number the maintenance operation was processed in. Only available for transactions you uploaded via Worldline Batch (Base) / Worldline Batch (advanced) |
NCID | Our platform’s unique identifier for this maintenance operation |
Error | Error code. Set to 0 for any successful maintenance operation |
Action | Description of the performed maintenance operation. See values for parameter OPERATION in our Parameter Cookbook |
Charg Meth | Payment method used for the transaction |
Card/ACC no | Card / account number used for this maintenance operation |
Each maintenance operation has its own PAYIDSUB, added as an eleventh cipher separated by a slash:
The image highlights the different PAYIDSUBs from a transaction.
If you click on a PAYIDSUB, you get a detailed overview on the data that is specific for the respective maintenance operation.
PAYIDSUB overview
The information provided is similar to the one provided in the general transaction overview, but lists fields specifically relevant for this maintenance operation:
The image shows a typical PAYIDSUB overview screen from the Back Office.
Item |
Description |
Pay ID |
Our platform’s unique identifier (PAYIDSUB) for this maintenance operation |
Action |
Description of the performed maintenance operation. See values for parameter OPERATION in our Parameter Cookbook |
Status |
Status of the maintenance operation |
Total charge |
(Partial) amount processed for this operation |
Payment methods |
Payment method used for the transaction |
Device |
Value you sent in parameter DEVICE |
Structured communication |
Value you sent in parameter ORDERID provided you followed the formatting rules of the OGM-VCS standard for structured communication |
Authorization code |
Authorisation code from your acquirer. Applies only for status 5 maintenance operations |
Channel used for performing this maintenance operation. Possible values: · WEB: Back Office · RAS: e-Terminal · STD: Pagina di pagamento ospitata · DPR: DirectLink · DMT: DirectLink Maintenance · MFU: Worldline Batch (Base) · AFU: Worldline Batch (advanced) |
Transaction date |
Date the maintenance operation reached its status |
Your Unique Identifier in your acquirer’s system. Our platform uses this (alpha-)numeric code to route your transactions/maintenance operations from our platform to your acquirer. You can look up every UID for any of your payment methods in the Back Office via Configuration > Payment methods > Contract data |
Invoicing customer |
Merch ref |
Your identifier for the order (The value you sent in parameter ORDERID) |
Order date |
Date you sent the maintenance operation to our platform before it reached any final status |
Description |
Value you sent in parameter COM |
Card/Account number |
Masked card number / IBAN used |
Cardholder’s name |
Name of the card holder |
Payment file |
File name the transaction is included. Only available for transactions you uploaded via Batch (basic) / Batch (advanced) |
Our platform’s unique identifier for this maintenance operation |
Your virtual Terminal ID linked to your PSPID. Used together with your UID to route your transactions/maintenance operations from our platform to your acquirer. |
Encoded by |
User who performed the maintenance operation |
6. Use additional possibilities
The search query tool offers more than just looking up transactions. Once you have found the transactions you are looking for, you can perform different actions directly in the Back Office. Have a look at what all is possible:
Download transactions manually
Instead of displaying the transactions in the Back Office, you can download them as a list. Depending on whether you want to look up transactions or individual maintenance operations, go to either Operations > View transactions or Operations > Financial history.
Fill in the search mask and click on “DOWNLOAD LIST” which will appear in your local download folder. You can modify the file format, select available columns and many more things by clicking on “File format >>>”. Read our dedicated guide to learn about what you can manage.
Receive transactions automatically
You can even leave the steps described above to our platform and receive transaction reports automatically. Click on “DAILY” which allows you to define the addressee, the delivery format and the frequency. Read our dedicated guide to learn more about these "Push reports".
The image shows where to find buttons “DOWNLOAD LIST” / “SEND DAILY” and the “File format” link in Operations > View transactions / > Financial history
Perform (multiple) maintenance operations
If you want to look up transactions and perform maintenance operations on them at once, the Back Office allows you to do so easily.
Queries you have run via Operations > View transactions produce an overview page with columns “REN” / “SAS” / “RFS”. Flagging either of them for individual transactions or all via “Select all” allows you to
- REN: Renew the authorisation for status5 transactions for which the authorisation has expired
- SAS: Capture status 5 transaction to turn them into status 9
- RFS: Refund status 9 transactions
Click “PROCESS SELECTION” to confirm your choices. Read our dedicated guide to learn more about this feature.
The image shows how to perform maintenance operations on transactions directly in the Back Office.
Domande frequenti
Nel menu dell'account Worldline, è possibile cercare facilmente le transazioni selezionando "Operations" (Operazioni) e facendo clic su "View transactions" (Visualizza le transazioni) o "Financial history" (Storia finanziaria), in funzione del tipo di risultati di transazione cercati.
Andare alla sezione Consultazione delle transazioni per ulteriori informazioni.
Per impostazione predefinita, è possibile inviare la merce o fornire il servizio una volta che la transazione ha raggiunto lo stato "9 - Payment requested" (9 - Pagamento richiesto). Tuttavia, anche se lo stato 5 indica un risultato positivo, si tratta solo di una prenotazione temporanea di un importo in denaro sulla carta del cliente. Una transazione in stato 5 deve ancora essere confermata (manualmente o automaticamente) per passare allo stato 9, lo stato positivo finale per la maggior parte dei metodi di pagamento.
Visitare la sezione Stati delle transazioni per ulteriori informazioni.
L'opzione Refunds (Rimborsi) deve essere attivata nell'account.
Per maggiori informazioni, visitare la sezione Mantenere le vostre transazioni.
Un'icona con pollice verde alzato indica che una transazione è stata completata con un metodo di autenticazione 3-D Secure, ad esempio Digipass o lettore di carte. Tuttavia, non significa necessariamente che il pagamento sia stato elaborato. Occorre sempre controllare lo stato della transazione per sapere se si riceverà il denaro.
Andare alla sezione Stati transazione per ulteriori informazioni.
Per ulteriori informazioni andare alla sezione di confronto tra le funzioni Visualizza le transazioni e Storico finanziario.
È possibile eseguire rimborsi solo su transazioni per le quali i fondi hanno già ricevuto (lo stato 9 nel nostro sistema ) per almeno 24 ore. Una cancellazione o annullamento può essere fatto entro circa 24 ore dopo che lo stato finale è stato ricevuto (stato 9 o 5).
Per conoscere l'ora di chiusura (cut-off time) dell'acquirente, si consiglia di verificare direttamente con il nostro servizio clienti.
Quando una transazione raggiunge lo stato 9, che indica il pagamento da parte del cliente, l'acquirente o la banca depositerà il denaro sul conto. Il momento in cui avviene questo pagamento varia in base al metodo di pagamento e all'acquirente. Si consiglia di controllare direttamente con l'acquirente o la banca, qualora si pensi che la ricezione del denaro non sia avvenuta in modo puntuale.