Technical and organizational security measures
1. Scope
The scope of this document covers the following entities: Worldline eCommerce Solutions’ entities (WeCS) and Worldline Financial Solutions SA/NV (WFS). Both are later referred to in the document as Worldline.
Organisation of Information Security
The objective(s):
Worldline has an information security office that has been ratified and is supported by senior management and ensures that its information security personnel are competent in information security. Measure(s) include(s):
- Worldline established an information security office with expertise in the different domains of information security
- Members of the information security office have a full-time responsibility for information security
- The information security office reports directly to an Worldline senior management member
- Worldline security office has developed a comprehensive set of information security policies, approved by senior management and disseminated to all Worldline workers
- Worldline security policies and procedures are reviewed at least annually and updated when required
- Worldline workers are given training on information security, compliance and data privacy topics and must take and pass a test on information security at least annually
Information Security Management System
The objective(s):
Worldline has an ISMS (Information Security Management System) in place to evaluate risks to the security of personal data, to manage the assessment and treatment of these risks and to continually improve its information security. The security controls and activities are implemented in a business as usual approach. Measure(s) include(s):
- Worldline has deployed an ISMS to manage security professionally and its ISMS has been inspired and based upon industry best practices, frameworks and standards such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
Physical Access Security
The objective(s):
Limitation of the physical access to Worldline systems and data to only authorized Worldline workers. Measure(s) include(s):
- The payment platform is hosted at a professional, production data center with a defined and protected physical perimeter, strong physical controls including access control mechanisms, controlled delivery and loading areas, surveillance and 24x7x365 guards
- The production data center and its equipment are physically protected against natural disasters, malicious attacks and accidents
- Only authorized representatives have access to the production data center premises, all datacenter accesses are logged
- The data centers are located within European Union
- A camera system (CCTV) monitors all entrances and operational areas within the data center; the recording must use a time synchronization mechanism and be retained for one month
- Desks and workplaces are left clean by Worldline workers when leaving the office in accordance with the clean desk policy
- Secure printing has been implemented to avoid unauthorized access the print-out on the server.
System Access Security
The objective(s):
Access to Worldline systems and platforms are only used by authorized, authenticated users. Measure(s) include(s):
Access to Worldline production environment is granted only to authorized Worldline workers (the authorized persons)
Access are limited as required for those authorized persons to fulfil their function
Multi-factor authentication is required for access to Worldline production environment
All access granted as “user” to Worldline production environment require a unique and personal identifier (a “user account”)
Any mobile devices (laptop, USB key,…) must have disk encryption protection in place in order to protect against data leakage when such a device is stolen or lost
The Worldline password policy and acceptable usage policy prohibits the sharing of passwords, re-use of personal non-work related password and requires passwords to be changed on a regular basis and default passwords to be altered. All passwords must fulfil defined minimum requirements and are stored in encrypted form.
Each computer has a password-protected screensaver that is activated upon a specific time of inactivity
The production environment is equipped with multiple layers of security controls such as firewalls, web application firewall, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, file integrity monitoring, etc.
Network access control must be implemented in order to avoid un-trusted device to connect to the privileged network segment having access to the Worldline information systems
All of the production systems (including network equipment) are logging into a central log server
All Worldline production systems must be set to log key & critical events. These logs must be centralized, appropriately secured and kept for a minimum of 12 months.
User lifecycle management procedures have been implemented to assign, deploy user rights in alignment with the specific assign function and revocation user rights and deactivation of user account upon leaving the company.
Access Authentication to the environment hosting the information systems is based on a two-factor authentication mechanism.
Worldline has implemented a formal change management program with a change advisory board (CAB) that evaluates, approves or rejects changes. The CAB is led by a change manager and consists out of members from different departments, such as research & development, security, operations, etc.
Data Access
The objective(s)
Persons entitled to use data processing systems gain access only to the data that they are authorized to access. The authorized persons need to be trustworthy and need to handle the data in accordance with their classification. Measure(s) include(s):
- Data access is granted by the “Need-To-Know and Need-to-Use” principles in alignment with the job function/role.
- The production environment is separate from the development, integration and testing environment.
- Worldline employs data minimization principle and where appropriate and practical, pseudonymizing is used to reduce the likelihood of inappropriate access to personal data.
- Information is disposed of in accordance to its classification level and by following the established procedure(s)
- Worldline will perform background verification on all employees. Worldline shall be required to perform the following background verification checks on all employees recruited/hired with access to any assets before they start work activities]:
- Proof of legal right to work;
- Proof of legal address;
- Identity verification (passport or similar document);
- Confirmation of claimed academic and professional qualifications;
- Verification (for completeness and accuracy) of the applicant’s curriculum vitae;
- Criminal record or review;
- Certificate of Good Conduct or an equivalent certificate depending on the country, from the relevant police authority
Data Transmission
The objective(s):
Prevent data from being read, copied, altered or deleted by unauthorized parties during transfer. Measure(s) include(s):
Customer access to the payment platform and end customer (card holder) payment request are protected through strong encryption protocols and ciphers; e.g. HTTPS with Transport Layer Security (TLS)
The strength of the TLS is closely monitored, so that no weak ciphers and protocols are allowed.
Data is exchanged based on secure protocols agreed between Worldline and the Financial Institutions.
Vulnerability Management
The objective(s):
Prevent systems from being compromised by reducing the attack surface using vulnerability detection and timely system patching. Measure(s) include(s):
Worldline will establish and maintain up-to-date protection against malicious code.
The Worldline systems must be patched on monthly basis. A risk-based approach can be used with high risk security patch being installed within a month and medium risk security patch within three months.
Where updates cannot be applied to a system, Worldline deploys appropriate security countermeasures to protect the vulnerable systems.
The Worldline systems have a firewall enabled and configured according to standards.
Worldline has controls in place to ensure that the ability to use USBs or portable media is restricted. Monitoring controls must be in place to detect and block (where appropriate) the use of USBs or portable media.
Worldline performs internal network vulnerability scans on a regular basis.
Penetration tests are performed on a regular basis.
Secure Development Life Cycle
The objective(s):
Prevent against unauthorized, malicious code and ensure robust and secure applications through implementing a secure development life cycle (SDLC). Measure(s) include(s):
Worldline will develop software and systems upon Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) guidelines. The guidelines are based on industry standards and/or best practices, and include (but are not limited to):
No production data (Live PANs) is used during testing and development.
All source code must be reviewed prior to release.
Change control processes and procedures will be followed for all changes to software and systems.
Test and development environment will be separate and appropriate access controls will be enforced.
Code reviews are performed by someone other than the developer of the code to allow for an independent and objective review.
Code reviews ensure code is developed according to secure coding guidelines and PCI DSS requirements.
Developers must be trained in secure coding best practices and frameworks.
All code changes are documented and monitored and can be linked to the developer that initiated the code changes.
Incident Management
The objective(s):In the event of any security breach of personal data, the effect of the breach is minimized and the stakeholders are promptly informed. Measure(s) include(s):
Worldline maintains an up-to-date incident response plan that includes responsibilities, how information security events are assessed and classified as incidents and response plans and procedures.
Worldline logs administrator and user activities at the production data center to provide evidence in the event of an incident.
The clocks of all systems at the production data center are synchronized to a reference time source to support time tracking of activities and logs in the event of an incident.
Worldline regularly tests its incident response plan and learns from tests and potential incidents to improve the plan.
- In the event of a security breach, Worldline will notify the impacted stakeholders within an acceptable time after becoming aware of the security breach.
The objective(s):
Provide a service in alignment with industry rules and regulations. Measure(s) include(s):
- Worldline conducts regular internal and external audits of its security
- Worldline takes reasonable steps to ensure that Worldline workers are aware of and comply with the technical and organizational measures set forth in this document.
- Worldline provides awareness training for Worldline workers to educate them on different topics such as compliance, security, PCI DSS, etc.
- Worldline conducts at least quarterly application vulnerability scan penetration tests on the payment platform.
- Worldline will maintain its security certification such as PCI DSS.
Business Continuity
The objective(s):
Ensure a high-available service to the customers and reduce platform outages and/or downtime. Measure(s) include(s):
- Worldline uses a high level of availability at the production data centers so that a failure of a single system or component is unlikely to impact general availability.
- The production platform is deployed over multiple data centers within Europe.
- The production data center has multiple power supplies, generators on-site and with battery back-up to safeguard power availability to the data center.
- The production data center has multiple access points to the Internet to safeguard connectivity.
- The production data center is monitored 24x7x365 for power, network, environmental and technical issues.
- Worldline has a business continuity plan (BCP) and a disaster recovery plan (DRP) which are tested at least annually.
Domande frequenti
PCI DSS include un'ampia serie di controlli e requisiti di sicurezza che sono implementati ed effettuati regolarmente.
I controlli di sicurezza servono a mantenere costantemente elevato il livello di sicurezza sulla piattaforma di pagamento, offrendo la massima protezione di transazioni e dati.
Il termine Phishing deriva dall'inglese "fishing", pesca. La lettera f è stata sostituita da ph, probabilmente per indicare l'abbreviazione dell'espressione "password harvesting fishing", pesca e raccolta delle password.
Le operazioni di phishing si basano su messaggi di posta elettronica, collegamenti ipertestuali e pagine Internet che rimandano a siti Web contraffatti in cui viene richiesto di comunicare dati riservati come i dati del conto corrente o il numero di carta di credito. Un messaggio ingannevole in genere richiede la conferma di password, dati bancari, numero di conto, dati della carta di credito o altri dati simili facendo clic su un collegamento presente nel messaggio. Il collegamento rimanda a una pagina contraffatta con un indirizzo quasi uguale a quello del sito originale.
- fare attenzione alle e-mail.
- La contraffazione dell'indirizzo di un mittente è un'operazione molto semplice: l'autore dell'e-mail ricevuta non è necessariamente l'apparente fornitore dei servizi.
- Non rispondere a e-mail che richiedono l'immissione di dati personali. I fornitori di servizi come Worldline, le banche, gli emittenti di carte di credito, ecc., non chiedono mai di comunicare tramite e-mail la password, il numero di carta di credito o altri dati personali.
- Immettere i collegamenti manualmente. Non fare clic su collegamenti presenti in e-mail sospette: inserire manualmente l'indirizzo dell'URL, ad esempio l'indirizzo della banca, la piattaforma Worldline ePayments, o cercarlo tra i Preferiti. I collegamenti contenuti nelle e-mail ingannevoli possono rimandare a siti Web ingannevoli. Spesso le differenze tra gli URL sono difficili da individuare. Anche l'aspetto del sito può essere ingannevole.
- Controllare la crittografia delle pagine Web. Prima di inserire i propri dati personali in un sito Web, controllare che i dati personali vengano crittografati nel sito verificando che l'indirizzo Web inizi con https (in cui la "s" indica sicuro) e che nel browser sia presente l'icona di un lucchetto chiuso o di una chiave non rotta. Purtroppo l'icona del lucchetto e la chiave possono essere contraffatti in alcuni sistemi. Verificare di essere sul sito in cui si pensa di essere facendo doppio clic sull'icona del lucchetto per visualizzare il certificato del sito. Assicurarsi che il nome sul certificato e il nome sulla barra degli indirizzi coincidano. Se non coincidono, il sito Web potrebbe essere contraffatto.
- Controllare regolarmente gli estratti del conto corrente e della carta di credito.
- Aggiornare la protezione del computer: attivare un filtro anti-phishing per individuare i siti contraffatti prima di visitarli. Alcuni browser, ad es. Internet Explorer, dispongono di questo tipo di filtro. In alternativa, è possibile installarlo come barra degli strumenti. Applicare regolarmente le correzioni rapide della protezione più recenti per il sistema operativo e per il software installato sul computer. Installare un firewall. Installare un software antivirus e mantenerlo aggiornato.
Che cosa si deve fare se si subisce un attacco di phishing?
Se si ritiene di aver ricevuto un messaggio di phishing, procedere nel modo seguente:
- Cambiare SUBITO le password e/o i codici PIN dell'account online con l'azienda la cui identità è stata contraffatta.
- INVIARE il messaggio fraudolento all'azienda in questione. In genere ha un indirizzo e-mail apposito per la comunicazione di questo tipo di attacchi. Se ad esempio si riceve un messaggio di phishing relativo a Worldline e-Commerce Solutions, ci contatti per favore
- AVVISARE le autorità competenti (la polizia locale, l'Internet Crime Complaint Center o il gruppo di lavoro contro il phishing) in merito al tentativo di phishing.
- CONSERVARE tutte le PROVE della truffa. In particolare, in caso di tentativo di phishing tramite e-mail, non eliminare il messaggio perché contiene, nascoste nell'intestazione, le informazioni necessarie per risalire all'origine del tentativo.
Worldline ePayments e comunicazioni:
- Le e-mail non commerciali di Worldline e-Commerce Solutions (in precedenza Worldline ePayments) vengono sempre inviate dal dominio Worldline
- Worldline ePayments non richiede mai di comunicare tramite e-mail dati finanziari personali o altri dati personali, come password, numero di carta di credito, numero di conto corrente e così via.
- Worldline ePayments non richiede mai agli esercenti di svolgere operazioni di pagamento. (tuttavia, in alcuni casi specifici in cui ci hai contattato per un problema di transazione in corso, possiamo chiederti di eseguire nuovamente l'operazione non riuscita).
- Worldline ePayments non comunica tramite e-mail il numero intero della carta di credito.
- Le e-mail di conferma dei pagamenti inviate dalla piattaforma Worldline ePayments non contengono allegati.
- In caso di dubbio o se si nota qualcosa di sospetto, contattare l'ufficio Assistenza clienti
Per altre informazioni:
Worldline offre soluzioni di pagamento adatte, sicure, intelligenti e semplici per tutti i canali: in negozio, online e da dispositivi mobili. Worldline offre ai commercianti una serie completa e innovativa di servizi e soluzioni che eliminano la complessità dei pagamenti e rendono rapidi, semplici e sicuri gli acquisti per vari canali di vendita e metodi di pagamento.
Worldline è composto da tre divisioni: Worldline Smart Terminals, Worldline Payment Services e Worldline . Grazie alla nostra linea completa di terminali intelligenti, servizi di pagamento e soluzioni mobili, agevoliamo l'accettazione dei pagamenti in negozio e online dei commercianti.
Per rispetto del passato e del nome di Ogone, il termine Ogone è stato mantenuto in riferimento alla piattaforma Ingenico ePayments, comprensiva di Ingenico Collect, una soluzione unica di pagamento che permette ai commercianti di offrire i loro metodi di pagamento preferiti in molti paesi diversi senza il fastidio di aprire vari conti bancari o costituire nuove entità giuridiche.
Con la piattaforma Ogone e altre offerte, Ingenico ePayments non si limita ai pagamenti ma offre servizi di consulenza globali per argomenti come le norme locali, le abitudini regionali di pagamento, truffe e conformità.
Oggi Ingenico Payment Services è una divisione distinta dell'Ingenico Group che offre ai commercianti una linea completa di servizi per la gestione centralizzata e sicura delle transazioni in negozio. Ingenico Payment Services garantisce la protezione completa, il controllo e il monitoraggio delle transazioni dei commercianti grazie a una soluzione di pagamento centralizzata, dedicata ai commercianti organizzati.
Ingenico Payment Services propone inoltre una gamma completa di soluzioni per la fidelizzazione dei clienti, volte ad aumentare i ricavi dei commercianti, tra cui: programmi di carte fedeltà e gestione dei programmi di fedeltà, carte prepagate e gestione delle carte regalo, analisi dei dati di clienti e gestione delle campagne di marketing.